First things first, you need to determine which shape your body actually is, whether your hourglass, pear, apple, strawberry or rectangle. Typically an hourglass figure is one that is usually even width of shoulders and hips, consisting of a rounder and more curvy body type with a smaller waist. The pear shape body is similar to that of the hourglass, only the width of the shoulders and upper body as a whole are significantly smaller than your hips, which are wider. The apple body shape is however quite different to both the hourglass and pear as the apple shape is a bigger body shape all together and is known for being the shape that is evenly distributed weight on the top half of the body and also on the bottom half, however the shoulders are slightly bigger. The strawberry shape is quite literally the shape of a strawberry, bigger on top and smaller on the bottom. The opposite of the pear shape. The strawberry shape is also commonly described as "top heavy", this can be due to generally having broader shape shoulders and back or a bigger bust. Lastly, the rectangular shape is known for being straighter shaped as the shoulders, waist and hips are relatively the same width. Before you can figure out which clothes will suit you best you first need to discover which of these body shapes are closest to yours. This picture should be able to help you figure out which shape you are.

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